There are no upcoming events at this time.


Message from the President Janet Idema

Immanuel Shelter wants to confirm that we have not changed our goals or our mission. Immanuel remains committed to serving the need of individuals experiencing homelessness in Sussex County.

We plan on opening a Code Purple winter shelter depending upon the availability of Faith United Methodist fellowship hall who has been the saving grace of Immanuel and our local homeless population for over the past several winter seasons.

In addition, despite continued obstacles Immanuel continues to work toward providing an emergency shelter and temporary housing at the Belltown church location. Immanuel continues to look at all options and continues to work with our attorneys who have committed to supporting Immanuel and seeing this process though to a successful finish.

Last year Immanuel served over 112 individuals and hopes to once again provide shelter to those experiencing homelessness beginning in December 2018.

Immanuel is currently seeking volunteers to assist with fundraising events and shelter support during operating hours during the season.

Meghan Foxx is the new Executive Director for Immanuel having started the end of last season. She currently has been working to secure funding and begin to develop training for staff, volunteers and guests this season.

Immanuel has opened up positions for board members and is looking to fill those spots, if you know anyone interested please ask them to contact Janet Idema at [email protected]

Immanuel is grateful for the ongoing support for our mission and work from LRAC.

Thank you